Tossin’ and Turnin’
“A good night’s sleep” has eluded me for the past few years. I toss and I turn, and I toss again…and I am not alone…I do not speak for myself when I say, its rough. It is rough on our metabolism, our energy flow and overall health.
How you long you sleep apparently affects your mood and how you sleep can be an indicator of your personality with regard to positioning.
I find myself in an array of positions during the night, at times my upper body facing one way, my lower body the other or on my back, arms extended…my chiropractor is a dear friend. I decided to look up sleeping positions (none of which are comfortable anymore) and I am proud to say last night alone I partook of the “Yearner”, the “Freefaller”, the “Pillow Hugger”, and the ill named but visually appropriate, “Swastika”.
These hard fought positions sometimes require the appropriate sleepwear; for instance a “Free-faller” should never sleep in anything with giant protruding buttons or large bows, as they might impale themselves. “Sleeping like a log” is literally sleeping in a complete linear position, arms and legs straight and stiff and is actually called the “Log” so it doesn’t matter what you wear because you are not moving. Getting tangled up in your long nightgown is not fun, it’s annoying no matter what position you are in if you toss and turn. I prefer soft pants and a tank top, they are great if you are a “Pillow Hugger” or a “Starfish”, no tangles and no exposure to the elementsJ.
So no matter what you choose to sleep in, whether it be a tattered T and nothing else or an elaborate ensemble with ruffles and lace, how you position yourself is key, it always is!
This lovely sketch I found on Etsy by Stasiab perfectly embodies the spirit of this blog post!